
Financial Rebels!

Let’s accelerate your journey to Financial Independence.

So you can hit that beach FASTER!

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25 things you should avoid wasting your money on
A core component of building wealth is spending less than you make.  To aid in that goal, here’s a list of 25 things most people would be much better off not wasting their money on. ...
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How to tell if your Financial Advisor will act in your best interests.
If you’ve spent some time on this site, then you probably already know that I’m a big proponent of DIY investing.  Becoming a DIY investor is much easier than many people think, and...
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TFSA Beneficiary or Successor Holder? What’s the Difference?
When I first started writing this article, I was planning to use the title “This TFSA secret could be worth $1,000’s – or more!”.  But I decided the above title was more informative...
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RRSP or TFSA?  Which is best for you?
Most Canadian investors have asked themselves this question at one time or another.  In general, the answer is an unsatisfying – it depends! The reality is that, depending on your goals...
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In what province will you pay the MOST (and LEAST) income tax?
What do Canadians like to complain about the most?  The weather? Politicians?  How about TAXES?  It’s usually in the top 3 if not #1.  In this article we’ll take a close look at how...
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Marginal vs. Average Tax Rate, what’s the difference?
Have you ever heard someone say, “I don’t want to work too much overtime because it’ll put me in a higher tax bracket”?  Or this classic, “I don’t want to get too big a raise, because...
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The Good and the Bad - Not all debts are created equal!
In this article we’ll explore the Good, the Not so Good, and the just plain Bad when it comes to different types of debt.  I’m a firm believer that there are certain types of debt that...
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Debt Paydown Strategies that Work!
On the journey to Financial Independence (FI) one of our first key steps is paying down debt so that we can then start saving money and investing.  To help get you going on this, we’ll...
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5 things you MUST do on your journey to Financial Independence
If you want to get started on your journey to Financial Independence (FI), or if you’ve already started and want to make sure you’re on the right track, then this article is for you. ...
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My goal is to help you accelerate your journey to Financial Independence, so you can hit that beach FASTER!

I’m a 7-figure investor with a focus on Stocks, ETF’s and Real Estate.  

I want to share with you what I’ve learned from 20+ years of investing so you can avoid the mistakes I’ve made, and learn from the successes, to fast-track your journey to Financial Independence.