My Story
Hello! Welcome to Financial Rebels, I’m glad you dropped by.
My name is Doug Robertson, and I created this website to help people like you who are trying to get ahead financially in this world where banks, insurance companies, and many other players in the financial services industry, are frequently not acting in your best interests.
A little bit about me
I’m a happily married father of two teenagers and I’m passionate about my family and growing our wealth, so that we can live our best lives on our terms.
As you probably guessed from the images on this website, that often means travelling someplace warm and enjoying some beach time.
I’m also a DIY investor with over 20 years of experience investing in individual stocks, ETF’s and real estate.
One of the things I’m most proud of is that as of May 2021, I hit my own Financial Independence (FI) number and was able to walk away from corporate life.
It still feels amazing to say that!

Why a personal finance site?
After working for over 23 years in financial services, mostly in lending, marketing, and product management, I’ve seen a lot.
I’ve seen firsthand how players in the industry try to balance the needs of customers, employees, and shareholders…and as you probably guessed, the interests of customers often do not get top priority.
What really motivated me to create this site was seeing colleagues, friends, and family taken advantage of by financial institutions, because they trusted that those institutions would act in their best interests. But that isn’t always the case.
Getting ahead financially can have it’s challenges, but I’m convinced that most people can be successful in achieving this goal with just a little bit of additional information and a little extra effort over time.
Helping to arm the rebels
My goal in starting Financial Rebels is to share what I’ve learned along the way in my journey to FI, plus what I’ve learned from over 20 years in the financial services trenches. I aim to help you avoid the many mistakes I’ve made and capitalize on the wins I’ve found, to accelerate your journey to FI.
I’m here to help arm the rebels who are fighting for their own Financial Independence.